Saturday, April 27, 2013

Joe's Pub, Most Beautiful, And MORE

Well, where we had a lack of Miss Megan Hilty on this week's episode of Smash, there was an abundance of excitement going on in her non-Smash life. 

First up were her amazing performances of her new album It Happens All The Time at the intimate New York social hot spot, Joe's Pub. This is best summed up in video form. By the way, the male singing on the second clip is done by the fabulous Matt Cusson who has a new single on iTunes called Leaving LA.
Above is the full performance of the title song.
And here's a link to a summary of all of the performances that I couldn't embed.

Next up was Megan's nod in the Most Beautiful Issue of People Magazine. Megan is featured in a long purple dress showing a LOOOONG leg. A fan asked if she actually plays the harp, and she actually doesn't. :( But she looks sooooo freaking gorgeous. 
And last but not least, Megan is attending the White House Correspondents' Dinner tonight. Not much news on this yet, but she did look amazing. She is pictured below with Susan Page

Smash: The Producers-VOi

In the entire two minutes that Ivy appeared, she looked hot.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Smash Review: Opening Night-VOi

CURTAIN UP! It's Opening Night, ladies and gentlemen! The first moment is one of the truest I've seen on Smash. The curtain closes(or in this case screens) and everyone hugs. IN most of my shows, we start a silent dance party to the stage managers don't yell at us, but same difference. 

Just after Ivy is telling her mother that she actually feels confident for opening night, the troublemaker Bobby comes along reading online reviews. But Ivy cuts him off, giving a sassy head bob, as Jessica rushes over explaining that she is on a "self-imposed media blackout." That is one heck of a pledge!

Later that night we see Ivy sitting in her bed some extremely sexy, showy lingerie reading online message boards, probably filled with the writings of jealous Broadway wannabes. So much for that media blackout. Right on cue, Derek appears, disadvising her from continuing her online discovery. And then let the flirting begin! Ivy says, "I know you, and I still like you," while crinkling her nose. They both share a giggle and he climbs onto her bed, trying his luck. But he is rejected, Ivy telling him, "Nice try," and his head lands on her lap. She is petting his head as they try to decide, whether to announce if they are together. They end in an awkward consensus to "play it by year."

We have seen a lot of interactions between Ivy and her mom, and this one was the closest to sweet that I think I've ever seen. Ivy wants her mom to tell her whether she will "make it" Lee tells her daughter "All it takes in this business is one role, and this is your role." Aw! 

But may I just say, did anyone else notice that Ivy walked on stage literally as the curtain is going up? I've always been jealous of those people.

Now let's discuss Ivy's Don't Forget Me. It was flawless. How the heck does she belt those high notes? Even Karen was impressed. Like so impressed she nearly had an asthma attack. Yeah, it was pretty darn amazing.

Now I'm starting a new thing called YES IVY! moments. They are basically anytime during the hour I wanted to stand up and yell "Way to go, IVY LYNN!" Here is my first list of YES IVY!
-Derek tries to kiss Ivy but is rejected, AGAIN
-Julia's son asks, rather excitedly, "Is it true Ivy gets naked?"
-Ivy's rendition of Don't Forget Me is making Karen hyperventilate in the audience
-Ivy has Derek nearly in tears, not sure why, but it's definitely because of Ivy
-Without the house lights up, Ivy was able to see pick Tom out of that HUGE theatre, that takes skill
-She is singing That's Life with Karen and she is leaning over singing on Karen's mic, with one leg in the air, SHREDDING the notes
-Ivy's rejection forces Derek to use Daisy for his rebound, I mean, like HAH!

And the moment I have been waiting for all season has finally arrived. Another intimate moment between Karen and Ivy at a party in which both girls are vulnerable. Ivy is waiting for the times review and Karen is running from Jimmy. (I really hope my readers have seen Smash, if not, then you probably have no idea there are other characters with great story lines who I just happen not to love. It really is a rather dynamic show.) Ivy admits that she can't stop comparing herself to Karen, and Karen spills her jealousy. They are both giggling and getting along and pushing the other up. For as much as I dislike Karen, I do like when they come together and have these short, relatable, almost friendly moments.

The other most anticipated moment of the season came tonight as well. The Karen/Ivy duet! Cheers was phenomenal last season and That's Life was even better. Ivy was in her element belting the HELL out of the jazzy notes! She is SO comfortable up there, bouncing around the stage. She even hopped over to Karen's mic to sing while balancing on one leg and popping her shoulders up and down. The giggle and share a hug, giving us a glimpse into the Kat/Megan  friendship. 

Both ladies are now loosened up and relaxed, and sharing drinks when Ivy asks Karen if her and Derek have ever slept together. Ivy learns that she is Derek's rebound. Instead of getting worked up about it, she calmly dismisses Karen and gives Derek a puzzling look. Later, he asks if she wants to "slip into something more comfortable." (decipher that innuendo for yourself) She tells him she'll call him if she needs him again, but she's too "tired" to go home with him tonight. As soon as she turns around, her smirk breaks into a fully satisfied smile. GO IVY!

Tags: Savannah Wise Megan Hilty Bernadatte Peter Jeremy Jordan Jimmy Jessica Bobby Ivy Lee NBC Smash Jack Davenport Derek That's Life Opening Night Voice of Ivy Review VOi 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Smash: The Dress Rehearsal-VOi

Bombshell is heading into Previews! This time their star is our favorite Miss Ivy Lynn played by Megan Hilty. 

The first scene of the show confirms last weeks teaser that Derek is indeed sleeping with Ivy again. We learned last week that a "fun night" was all Ivy wanted for her birthday. She got Liza, but why settle for Liza Minelli when you could have Derek Wills sleep with you? sometimes, Ivy, I wonder what goes through your head!

BUT WAIT! Don't be fooled! Ivy is back in control of her life and she doesn't want Derek to mess that up! When he goes in for a kiss, she slides out of his grasp, denying him! Score one for Ivy! ...Until she turns around and gives him a short peck, further pushing her flirty attitude with him. She is teasing him and he DOES NOT like it! Way to go girlie! When he asks, "11 again, tonight?" She pokes him saying, "Maybe! I'll call you!" and exits the room. Ivy's keeping her hand on top in this relationship!

And to the next scene! Bombshell is in its Dress front of all those family and friends Ivy complained about at the beginning of the episode! JFK is undressing Ivy to what is supposed to be her nightgown in the steamy one night stand number when we see a look of mortification cross Julia's face. Cut to a completely nude Ivy standing center stage, spotlights bright as ever. 

Walking to the theatre for Day One of Cram-To-Fix-Every-Mistake-Before-Performance-tonight week, Jessica and Bobby shove their phones at Ivy, cooing, "Broadway World! Theatre Mania! 'Buy tickets tonight and find out if Marilyn is a NATURAL blonde.'" Ivy shoots down their predictions of permanent bareness, just as we are given a glimpse of Eileen saying, "i think she should be nude every night! I'll talk to her!"

Eileen is pulling the, "Nudity is authentic to who Marilyn was!" card, as Ivy replies, "Yes but I don't want it to overshadow the work I've been doing." But really if we're calling nudity authentic to Marilyn who has never been on a camera naked, then nudity is authentic to every person who has ever been born. Ivy decided she is going to think about it.

She doesn't decide until she is ON STAGE! JFK pulls both straps down her shoulder and she pulls the nightgown strap back up. As JFK is leaving, explaining that the night was a one time deal. Suddenly, Ivy drops the blanket around her bare body, exposing herself. She uses the nudity in a moment of power instead of vulnerability. This is a direct translation of her own life. She has shifted her life from bare vulnerability to control and shocking power