We first see Ivy in an elevator with Karen both on their way to their own rehearsals. Can I say AWKWARD? Making small talk, Ivy tries to make her experience with Liaisons sound more savory than it is. She steps into a mass chaos of pink fluff and people crying. Terrence is explaining all of his changes in his ADHD, unfocused manner while Ivy follows him, a look of disgust stuck on her face. All of the ensemble and to her cast are being forced to act poorly, in order to puff the ego of Mr. Terry even more. Only one problem, Megan Hilty is an amazing actress and singer even when she's trying not to be. I mean, how can you dampen those vocals?
Derek is just waiting outside Ivy's rehearsal, urging her to not listen to her director and stop downplaying herself. He tells her to stand out in a crappy show. This is one of the rare times I've ever agreed with something Mr. Wills said, especially when its being said to Ivy. But, I have to admit, he is right, but why'd it take him for her to realize that?
And it's Press Day. Holy freaking disaster. Between Terry's awful acting, the bubblegum pink furniture, and the full cast crowded behind some bamboo dividers, it's no shock that the press are bored and appalled.
Press Day means Ivy's operatic number Letter From Cecile. Megan actually trained to become an opera singer. Until she went to opera camp at age twelve where she decided the life of opera wasn't for her. The high notes that she has the capacity to sing made for an amazing rendition of the classic song. She sang the song so well, in fact, that Terrry decided that the song needed to be pulled. That's logical, right?
And on to the allergy attack. I mean the stomach ache. No, the crying, sorry I didn't realize people could cry for a reason. Yea, Terry, I'd cry too if I were stuck in a show with you. Ivy told him how much he sucked, apparently the first honest thing he's heard in twenty years. I know this blog is about Megan Hilty, but may we just take a moment to admire the sheer geniusness that Sean Hayes is to pull off that scene opposite Megan. The man is good, they played off each other so perfectly and the sadness jumped back and forth with comedic quality to make for the best scene thus far in the season.
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