As many of you know, I have recently attended an amazing Megan Hilty concert in Port Washington. For the whole overview of the experience go here. This post is twelve new things I learned about Megan. These are new to me, maybe not to you, but I thought they were interesting.
11 Things About Megan Hilty You Probably Didn't Know
1. She auditioned for Smash with the song Bye Bye Baby
Yup, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was a favorite show of hers before she starred in it. She sang the song when she auditioned for Ivy Lynn on NBC's Smash.
2. She has this habit of flicking her leg back
I've never noticed this before, maybe you have. She does this motion where her leg goes up behind her almost like the motion of a butt kick exercise. It's an adorable little characteristic that probably started as a nervous habit and will forever be a trademark for her at this little theatre.
3. Her favorite Smash song is Second Hand
So this one you could've guessed, but I've never actually heard her admit to it. Whether you knew that or not, I'm sure you knew she's the only one that can sing that song flawlessly while packing it with emotion. The song was first played for Megan by the composers who wanted her input on this new song that was not intended for her character. When she got the script featuring her voice on it, she was ecstatic and surprised.
4. Everyone calls her Meg
When Matt Cusson left his piano to pick a stray hair off of Megan's arm, he called her Meg. When Brian was talking about singing Suddenly Seymour, he referred to Megan as Meg. When I was talking to her after, her entourager said, "Oh, Meg, I gotta take a picture of you with that's case!" And final proof, she signed my case Meg Hilty. It makes sense that she'd have a nickname, and I really loved hearing all of her friends use it.
5. Always played the mom or prostitute
She explained that following her operatic roots, she assumed she'd get leads because of her classical training and large range. Up until Broadway, though, she was repeatedly cast as the mom or the prostitute. Or she was forced to sing the alto part, more on that one in the previous post.
6. Her album was intended to be rearranged songs that everyone knew
Maybe you've heard this somewhere, but I'd always read that the original idea for the album was covers of movie themes. Either way, I'm so glad the record label kept sending originals because that's how we got our favorite It Happens All The Time songs like No Cure and Be A Man.
7. She thought Summer Lovin' was the most sung duet
Megan's boyfriend, Brian Gallagher, joined Meg on stage to play his guitar and sing Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors. During his explanation that he'd rearranged the song, he said he initially said no to the duet because it's the most over done romantic duet of all time. Megan rattled back teasing, "Really? I thought that was Summer Lovin'." their little exchange was unscripted and an adorable peek into their relaxed relationship.
8. Her other favorite song is Diamonds
In addition to saying that she loved Bye Bye Baby from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Megan revealed that she has been singing Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend ever since she played Loralei last summer. Safe to assume that she pretty much can't refuse a show with a deceptive blonde.
9. She plays with her hair...a LOT
This was one of the most fun things to observe as it just made her so dang human! Whenever she'd forget what she was saying or wait for someone to come on stage, she'd run her finger through her golden locks. This is another little habit that you rarely see unless it's in a candid environment such as this intimate setting.
10. Matt Cusson's name is not how it looks
When Megan introduced her piano playing, soul singing friend Matt Cusson to the audience, I thought I was the only one in that audience who would know his name. But I didn't even know his name, or at least not the way Megan pronounced it. I'd always said it how it looks CUSS-in. But according to Megan, it is actually CUE-sun. I was waaaay off on that one.
11. Brian is NOT into hokiness
He was so not into singing a romantic duet, especially the one that's the most over done, like EVER. He mad it pretty clear that he was only doing Suddenly Seymour because Megan wanted it and that he'd rearranged it as much as possible. They never kissed in front of anyone, either, despite ample opportunity. They appear to be a low-key, what you see is what you get kind of couple. Or in other words, just as darn perfect for each other as you can get. (I know, that was hokey, right?)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Concert in Port Washington Landmark on Mainstreet
For Christmas, I received tickets to see Megan Hilty on June 15th! It was a whirlwind experience...
We arrived at a HUGE building with many different entrances! After walking around the entire perimeter of the building we found a daycare center and a senior center attached to the back of a small theatre. The venue seemed small, but it was the perfect setting for an intimate show. While waiting, I checked my Twitter and found out that Matt Cusson was playing with Megan too! Yay! The theatre doors were eventually opened and people trickled in. An hour later(because you know we were there that early) Megan appeared onstage in black jeans and a shimmery gold top. My heart was racing! After just a nod to Matt at the piano, Megan jumped right in belting out They Just Keep Moving The Line! The crowd was now alive! She introduced Matt, her personality surfacing in the form of hair flips and heel kicks. An spectrum of songs began, each preceded by an explanation of its story and meaning to her. Bye Bye Baby and Be a Man were followed by the duet Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop accompanied by her boyfriend Brian Gallagher. Onto a song I didn't know about the life of a strong singer with a large range who is always put as an alto. This one made me laugh! Next was the classic The Man That Got Away and a Sinatra Medley as performed at her Carnegie Hall debut. A duet about love was sang by Matt and Megan followed by comments from Matt about the awkward level of singing a song of that nature to Brian's girlfriend while Brian was on the stage watching. We were then transported to the Smashiverse with Megan's soft vocals on Secondhand White Baby Grand and then an excellent duet of That's Life with Matt playing Kat, giggles erupting from the duo as Megan looks at Matt keeping the original Smash lyrics calling Matt a wife. All too soon, Megan was announcing her final song, Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend, thankfully with three encores all of which were performed. A standing ovation was followed by another encore performance of Popular, Megan teasing Brian as being her Elphaba. The concert ended with a sad Muppets song. As soon as she had entered, she disappeared.
We arrived at a HUGE building with many different entrances! After walking around the entire perimeter of the building we found a daycare center and a senior center attached to the back of a small theatre. The venue seemed small, but it was the perfect setting for an intimate show. While waiting, I checked my Twitter and found out that Matt Cusson was playing with Megan too! Yay! The theatre doors were eventually opened and people trickled in. An hour later(because you know we were there that early) Megan appeared onstage in black jeans and a shimmery gold top. My heart was racing! After just a nod to Matt at the piano, Megan jumped right in belting out They Just Keep Moving The Line! The crowd was now alive! She introduced Matt, her personality surfacing in the form of hair flips and heel kicks. An spectrum of songs began, each preceded by an explanation of its story and meaning to her. Bye Bye Baby and Be a Man were followed by the duet Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop accompanied by her boyfriend Brian Gallagher. Onto a song I didn't know about the life of a strong singer with a large range who is always put as an alto. This one made me laugh! Next was the classic The Man That Got Away and a Sinatra Medley as performed at her Carnegie Hall debut. A duet about love was sang by Matt and Megan followed by comments from Matt about the awkward level of singing a song of that nature to Brian's girlfriend while Brian was on the stage watching. We were then transported to the Smashiverse with Megan's soft vocals on Secondhand White Baby Grand and then an excellent duet of That's Life with Matt playing Kat, giggles erupting from the duo as Megan looks at Matt keeping the original Smash lyrics calling Matt a wife. All too soon, Megan was announcing her final song, Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend, thankfully with three encores all of which were performed. A standing ovation was followed by another encore performance of Popular, Megan teasing Brian as being her Elphaba. The concert ended with a sad Muppets song. As soon as she had entered, she disappeared.
Dying for a chance to meet Megan, I approached a man standing regally in front other he curtain leading backstage and, as If reading my mind, he told me she would not be making an appearance. Slightly devastated and ever determined, we wound around the side of the building to what looked like a stage type door. In a window on the second floor, I could see a blonde head bobbing around. So close to meeting her at this point, I was struggling. After waiting there alone for a few minutes, some locals came by. The boy explained that the green room was right up the stairs behind a mysteriously open door. After some prodding, our moms convinced us to run up into the room. At the top of the stairs stood Megan. (And you know what, she's just a normal person.) Brian and Matt chilled at a table behind her. Megan was so sweet! Here was our conversation, it kind of all happened at once:
Me: Hi Megan! Will you sign my phone case?
Megan: Of course! Who is that? That's ME! (she laughs)
Brian: I have one of those too (wink)
Entourager: Ooh! Meg! Let me get your picture with that case!(She holds my phone case up next to her face and he snaps picture of it)
Megan: You sure you want me to sign this? I don't wanna ruin it!
Me: YES! You can't ruin it!(she signs it, Matt and Brian walk over from table they were sitting at)
Me: I came from Michigan to see you guys.
Megan, Matt, Brian, and entourage: Wow! That's far! That's cool! Wow!
Me: (super shocked he recognized me) Yup!
Matt: BAILEY FORD, right?
Me: Yea! You all tweeted me Happy Birthday last week!
Brian, Matt, Megan: Yea! Mmhmm, we did. (Head nodding)
Me: That made my day!
Megan: Aw! Well good, I'm glad!
Me: Hey Matt and Brian will you sign my program too?(they sign)
Brian: Meg, look at her shirt!
Megan: Wow! That's cool too! You draw it?
Me: Mmhmm, I did.
Matt: That is pretty sweet looking.
Me: Can I get a picture with you too?
Megan: Of course! (I hand phone to a lady and she takes two pics of us! Ah!)
Me: Well thank you so much you guys! This made my whole trip!
Megan: No problem! So great we got to meet you!
Matt: Yeah! Good to finally meet you!
Me: Amazing to meet you guys! Thanks so much! (Turns around and nearly runs into the suddenly appearing security guard, *gulp*)
I ran out and had a freak out moment of disbelief that I'd just had a freaking CONVERSATION with MEGAN HILTY! Not to mention Matt Cusson and Brian Gallagher! What!?! Best night ever, going to be a hard one to top!
Megan: Of course! Who is that? That's ME! (she laughs)
Brian: I have one of those too (wink)
Entourager: Ooh! Meg! Let me get your picture with that case!(She holds my phone case up next to her face and he snaps picture of it)
Megan: You sure you want me to sign this? I don't wanna ruin it!
Me: YES! You can't ruin it!(she signs it, Matt and Brian walk over from table they were sitting at)
Me: I came from Michigan to see you guys.
Megan, Matt, Brian, and entourage: Wow! That's far! That's cool! Wow!
Me: (super shocked he recognized me) Yup!
Matt: BAILEY FORD, right?
Me: Yea! You all tweeted me Happy Birthday last week!
Brian, Matt, Megan: Yea! Mmhmm, we did. (Head nodding)
Me: That made my day!
Megan: Aw! Well good, I'm glad!
Me: Hey Matt and Brian will you sign my program too?(they sign)
Brian: Meg, look at her shirt!
Megan: Wow! That's cool too! You draw it?
Me: Mmhmm, I did.
Matt: That is pretty sweet looking.
Me: Can I get a picture with you too?
Megan: Of course! (I hand phone to a lady and she takes two pics of us! Ah!)
Me: Well thank you so much you guys! This made my whole trip!
Megan: No problem! So great we got to meet you!
Matt: Yeah! Good to finally meet you!
Me: Amazing to meet you guys! Thanks so much! (Turns around and nearly runs into the suddenly appearing security guard, *gulp*)
I ran out and had a freak out moment of disbelief that I'd just had a freaking CONVERSATION with MEGAN HILTY! Not to mention Matt Cusson and Brian Gallagher! What!?! Best night ever, going to be a hard one to top!
Monday, May 27, 2013
Smash:The Nominations-VOi
This week was the final week of Smash! :( The final two episodes were aired together but separate titles, so I'm reviewing them separately. I want to thank all of my viewers of this blog, I've so enjoyed writing it! I will continue to follow Megan as this Smash chapter closes and new ones open (A Broadway workshop for CanCan anyone?). Also, if you've enjoyed my blog and want to know more about what I'm up to and also more Megan coverage, follow me on Twitter at @baileyford2016
In the final seconds of last week's episode, we got the news that Ivy was pregnant. This episode started with Ivy waking up singing a song about all of the wacky dreams she's been having since finding out she was pregnant. We see her in her final Marilyn costume sitting on the bathroom floor as she is supposed to go on for her curtain call. She is dealing not only with the typical stresses of pregnancy, but all the while trying to hide it from everyone. Poor baby!
Skip to times square where we see her walking with Sam, Jessica, and Bobby, talking about Karen's recent win on the Outer Critic's Circle. When Sam brushes off the idea of "BIG AWARDS" as being dumb, Ivy retaliates by saying "You only said that because you just won and for a tiny role." As soon as she says it, she immediately apologizes and runs off embarrassed. Her friends discuss her recent change in behavior speculating a drug relapse. Little do they know she's more sober than ever.
Just moments after leaving a tension filled meeting, Derek digs his phone out of his pocket, Ivy on the other end, sitting on in the doctor's office. Over and over she tries to tell him she needs to talk to him, like REALLY talk to him, and he brushes her aside, repeating "Not now, Ivy, not now!" She hangs up with him and looks down, petrified, at her stomach. Her OBGYN talks to her about taking her prenatals despite fleeting thoughts about an abortion. Ivy looks down again, and fakes a smile, sadness seeping through her turned up lips.
Next scene is Sam walking Ivy out the stage door as she signs autographs, her questioning him about why he was there. Cheerily, Ivy signs autographs as her fans tell her how much better Bombshell is than Hit List...(maybe awkward for Sam?) Ivy continues prodding at Sam as he insists that she tell him about her problems. Defensively, she repeats, "Problems? What problems?" through a smile as she signs more programs. As fans continue to bash Hit List, she assures them that she is fan of Hit List. Finally, one fan says, "Did you hear what Karen said about you?" Sam tries to stop them from any further discussion, but Ivy says no, prompting the fan to proceed, informing Ivy of how they had labeled her performance as an imitation. Suddenly, a spark sets her off and she blurts, "Listen, the only reason Hit List made it to Broadway is because Kyle Bishop died." Can we say HORMONES! And it was all caught by a handy dandy iPhone. UH OH!
Probably my favorite scene of the episode took place in Ivy's apartment, as she told Sam her big secret, the one she's kept under wraps, literally. (Bad pun) Sam comes out of Ivy's kitchen carrying a warm mug of tea (Yogi Tea would've probably made her smile) as he says, stunned, "This is've been acting so're pregnant." She looks at him with a heavy face, acknowledging his realization. He continues on, asking if she's positive that it's Derek's. After a heavy sigh, she says, "Unfortunately I've narrowed it down from a list of...ONE." Tears begin to swell in her voice as she explains her reasoning for not telling Derek that she is pregnant. "We aren't even together, we didn't want it to happen, we didn't even plan it." Sam stops her, explaining that even though she may not like it, Derek has a right to know. In her tiniest voice ever, she asks with heart wrenching concern whether he thinks she would be a good mother. "I'm just such a mess right now. Classic Ivy, worst timing ever." Sam tells her it may not be as bad as it seems, and he presses her to talk to Derek, despite the final decision she makes.
"How are my two favorite PR disasters today?" What a greeting! The whole gang is at Table 46 waiting for the Outer Critics Circle awards ceremony. Ivy is being stared down by Karen and Jimmy after her hormonal comment about Kyle. As the Bombshell team heads to their tables, Derek comes in behind Ivy at the bar. She refuses to make eye contact. "You're looking uncommonly radiant!" he exclaims, unknowing of the horrendous timing. She rolls her eyes, the irony seemingly all too much for her, and he continues further, "You get your hair done or something?" She just looks at him with that face that say Are you KIDDING me right now? He apologizes for his rudeness on the phone and asks what she was going to say. "Congratulations!" "Really? Sounded more urgent than that," he replies. "Can we just meet up here tonight? I just wanna-I just kind a need to talk."
Now is time for the actual Tony nominations. Tom, Julia, and Ivy sit together in Tom's living room, eyes fixed on the TV. First they announce Leigh in Bombshell, and the three erupt in a fit of applause and then the say Ivy Lynn in Liaisons, producing a confused excitement as Ivy questions, "WHAT!?! We were only on for like 5 minutes!" High on happiness, Ivy picks up the phone from her mother, the energy pulsing. Next, Julia is announced as a nominee for Best Book and another fit of squeals and excitement. As Tom and Julia are both nominated for Best Score, they all high five. Ivy and Julia grip Tom and watch the TV intently as the announcements for Best Direction are called out. When his name is called, they all silently gasp, tears of excitement rolling like waves through the room. Finally, are the nominations for Leading Actress. Julia rubs Ivy's back and Tom puts his hand comfortingly on her leg. They begin reading the names, Karen called, then three more. The announcers pause and begin to move on to the next category. Ivy's lip quivers and the room is stagnantly silent. "It didn't happen. I didn't get it. GOD, I didn't get it!" Ivy beats herself up. Suddenly the announcers go back realizing they had skipped the name. "Ivy Lynn for Bombshell!" Ivy's jaw drops and they all begin to kick in seated happy dances! SHE DID IT!
I know this blog is about Ivy, but for a second, let's just appreciate the talent of Ana and that HAUNTINGLY BEAUTIFUL song she sang for the Once audition! SO excited Krysta is returning to Broadway.
In the final seconds of last week's episode, we got the news that Ivy was pregnant. This episode started with Ivy waking up singing a song about all of the wacky dreams she's been having since finding out she was pregnant. We see her in her final Marilyn costume sitting on the bathroom floor as she is supposed to go on for her curtain call. She is dealing not only with the typical stresses of pregnancy, but all the while trying to hide it from everyone. Poor baby!
Skip to times square where we see her walking with Sam, Jessica, and Bobby, talking about Karen's recent win on the Outer Critic's Circle. When Sam brushes off the idea of "BIG AWARDS" as being dumb, Ivy retaliates by saying "You only said that because you just won and for a tiny role." As soon as she says it, she immediately apologizes and runs off embarrassed. Her friends discuss her recent change in behavior speculating a drug relapse. Little do they know she's more sober than ever.
Just moments after leaving a tension filled meeting, Derek digs his phone out of his pocket, Ivy on the other end, sitting on in the doctor's office. Over and over she tries to tell him she needs to talk to him, like REALLY talk to him, and he brushes her aside, repeating "Not now, Ivy, not now!" She hangs up with him and looks down, petrified, at her stomach. Her OBGYN talks to her about taking her prenatals despite fleeting thoughts about an abortion. Ivy looks down again, and fakes a smile, sadness seeping through her turned up lips.
Next scene is Sam walking Ivy out the stage door as she signs autographs, her questioning him about why he was there. Cheerily, Ivy signs autographs as her fans tell her how much better Bombshell is than Hit List...(maybe awkward for Sam?) Ivy continues prodding at Sam as he insists that she tell him about her problems. Defensively, she repeats, "Problems? What problems?" through a smile as she signs more programs. As fans continue to bash Hit List, she assures them that she is fan of Hit List. Finally, one fan says, "Did you hear what Karen said about you?" Sam tries to stop them from any further discussion, but Ivy says no, prompting the fan to proceed, informing Ivy of how they had labeled her performance as an imitation. Suddenly, a spark sets her off and she blurts, "Listen, the only reason Hit List made it to Broadway is because Kyle Bishop died." Can we say HORMONES! And it was all caught by a handy dandy iPhone. UH OH!
Probably my favorite scene of the episode took place in Ivy's apartment, as she told Sam her big secret, the one she's kept under wraps, literally. (Bad pun) Sam comes out of Ivy's kitchen carrying a warm mug of tea (Yogi Tea would've probably made her smile) as he says, stunned, "This is've been acting so're pregnant." She looks at him with a heavy face, acknowledging his realization. He continues on, asking if she's positive that it's Derek's. After a heavy sigh, she says, "Unfortunately I've narrowed it down from a list of...ONE." Tears begin to swell in her voice as she explains her reasoning for not telling Derek that she is pregnant. "We aren't even together, we didn't want it to happen, we didn't even plan it." Sam stops her, explaining that even though she may not like it, Derek has a right to know. In her tiniest voice ever, she asks with heart wrenching concern whether he thinks she would be a good mother. "I'm just such a mess right now. Classic Ivy, worst timing ever." Sam tells her it may not be as bad as it seems, and he presses her to talk to Derek, despite the final decision she makes.
"How are my two favorite PR disasters today?" What a greeting! The whole gang is at Table 46 waiting for the Outer Critics Circle awards ceremony. Ivy is being stared down by Karen and Jimmy after her hormonal comment about Kyle. As the Bombshell team heads to their tables, Derek comes in behind Ivy at the bar. She refuses to make eye contact. "You're looking uncommonly radiant!" he exclaims, unknowing of the horrendous timing. She rolls her eyes, the irony seemingly all too much for her, and he continues further, "You get your hair done or something?" She just looks at him with that face that say Are you KIDDING me right now? He apologizes for his rudeness on the phone and asks what she was going to say. "Congratulations!" "Really? Sounded more urgent than that," he replies. "Can we just meet up here tonight? I just wanna-I just kind a need to talk."
Now is time for the actual Tony nominations. Tom, Julia, and Ivy sit together in Tom's living room, eyes fixed on the TV. First they announce Leigh in Bombshell, and the three erupt in a fit of applause and then the say Ivy Lynn in Liaisons, producing a confused excitement as Ivy questions, "WHAT!?! We were only on for like 5 minutes!" High on happiness, Ivy picks up the phone from her mother, the energy pulsing. Next, Julia is announced as a nominee for Best Book and another fit of squeals and excitement. As Tom and Julia are both nominated for Best Score, they all high five. Ivy and Julia grip Tom and watch the TV intently as the announcements for Best Direction are called out. When his name is called, they all silently gasp, tears of excitement rolling like waves through the room. Finally, are the nominations for Leading Actress. Julia rubs Ivy's back and Tom puts his hand comfortingly on her leg. They begin reading the names, Karen called, then three more. The announcers pause and begin to move on to the next category. Ivy's lip quivers and the room is stagnantly silent. "It didn't happen. I didn't get it. GOD, I didn't get it!" Ivy beats herself up. Suddenly the announcers go back realizing they had skipped the name. "Ivy Lynn for Bombshell!" Ivy's jaw drops and they all begin to kick in seated happy dances! SHE DID IT!
I know this blog is about Ivy, but for a second, let's just appreciate the talent of Ana and that HAUNTINGLY BEAUTIFUL song she sang for the Once audition! SO excited Krysta is returning to Broadway.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Smash: The Transfer-VOi
Sorry I haven't been writing blogs the past few episodes, I've felt she wasn't on enough. But, this episode was emotionally loaded with Ivyness!
First up was the oh-so-cheery run in with Karen in Times Square. They make small talk about Broadway and Tony's, finishing with a promise to be mature in the slippery slope of award season. HA! Right!
Ivy is gaining a reputation, and not a so good one! BUT SHE HAS BEEN SUCH A SAINT!
If you don't count the pills, Heaven on Earth, sex with Derek, and Karen's fiancé troubles. In Ivy's defense, that was ALL last season! Her undefined relationship with Derek is definitely no longer centered around favors, nor did I ever believe it was. I'm not saying Ivy is an innocent doe, but she's certainly not Lindsay Lohan! Nonetheless, Ivy is in "Imagery-Rehab." May it be ever beneficial.
And to assist in this imagery rehab, Eileen has booked Ivy a (NATIONAL!) commercial that I was unsure whether it was real and Megan was in it or that it was actually Ivy. Then Sam cleared that up. The commercial is just one more chain in the Eileen Tony winner plan. By the way, Ivy BETTER win! Then Ivy and Sam begin talking about the column about an unspecified wild Broadway blonde. Sam tries to assure her that no one knew who the column was about. Ivy fires back, slightly more on edge than usual, (hormones maybe?) that everyone commented that it was her. The girl can't seem to catch a break!
"Raise your hand if you're a pimp!" What's better for Ivy's image than a revue that stars Ivy as a depressed alcoholic stripper. This is Tom's grand idea for his concert. DEEP BREATH, IVY!
When Ivy questions her participation in the strip tease, Eileen comforts her, pointing out that what makes her special is that she doesn't care about what people think of her. This is another moment where Ivy is desperate for a motherly figure. Earlier in the season it was Julia, and now Eileen. *I have a feeling that they will be the women supporting her in the coming episodes more than Lee.
During the sensual song Grin and Bear It, Ivy holds the muffs in front of her midsection. Is this a foreshadow to the last 2 minutes of the episode? Just a thought. By the way, Ivy absolutely KILLS the whole concert, despite its borderline tacky outfits and choreography.
Karen and Ana are ranting to Derek at a bar when he storms out, nearly shoving Ivy. Ivy's phone rings when suddenly Ana pops over, in a flurry of anger and too much alcohol. She starts talking at Ivy, almost innocently, and Ivy's face changes to a defensive skepticism when Ana begins to mention Derek and how she got Marilyn the first time. Trying to keep cool, Ivy wipes Ana's implying comments aside. Sam begins to sense the trouble and warns her with a "Woah! Ana!" Ana explains nonchalantly how Karen would've gotten the part had she slept with Derek and Ivy is unable to contain her aggression. She marches over to Karen, against Sam's opinion of better judgement, and brings up their "promise"of the previous night. Ivy rants to Karen, coldly stating that she is just as calculating as anyone else. Karen denies this and scoots away cowardly.
Still heated, Ivy picks up her ringing phone, the dialogue so perfect I feel the need to type it all out.
Ivy: "Really?!? Three times in a row?!"
Caller(in a very cheery tone): "Ivy Lynn?"
Ivy(crossing her arms uncomfortably): "Yeah,"
Caller: "This is Dr. Lopez's office," (at this Ivy begins to get a look of concern on her face) "we got the results of your blood test back," (DEEEEEP BREATH) "and we wanted to reach you right away."
Ivy (trying to mask her alarm): "Is-is everything okay?"
Caller: "Congratulations!" (HUGE concern clouds Ivy's face) "You're pregnant!"
Ivy stands in pure shock and the screen cuts out.
OMG! Ivy has a LOT of growing up before she has a baby!!! Where the heck is NBC going with this storyline? Is it Derek's baby, or JFK's? Some new mystery man? Is she going to have the baby? Get an abortion? Give it up for adoption? Or lose the baby? Will she get far enough along this season to wear a pregnant belly? What does she look like with one on? Ivy can't drink or take pills anymore. I CALLED IT! I KNEW SHE"D BE THE ONE! I'm not sure how I feel about this bombe dropped on us....#awfulpun
*In the previews for the coming episodes, they show Ivy, Tom, and Julia sitting in front of the TV waiting for the Tony nominations. Two key things about this clip. Number 1: Ivy looks terrified, stressed, heartbroken and slightly sick. Number 2: Julia is being her mother. Julia is rubbing Ivy's back, to try to comfort Ivy, something a mother should do. At least she has Julia and Eileen to help her through the stressful award season. We all know Lee wouldn't be doing this!
First up was the oh-so-cheery run in with Karen in Times Square. They make small talk about Broadway and Tony's, finishing with a promise to be mature in the slippery slope of award season. HA! Right!
Ivy is gaining a reputation, and not a so good one! BUT SHE HAS BEEN SUCH A SAINT!
If you don't count the pills, Heaven on Earth, sex with Derek, and Karen's fiancé troubles. In Ivy's defense, that was ALL last season! Her undefined relationship with Derek is definitely no longer centered around favors, nor did I ever believe it was. I'm not saying Ivy is an innocent doe, but she's certainly not Lindsay Lohan! Nonetheless, Ivy is in "Imagery-Rehab." May it be ever beneficial.
And to assist in this imagery rehab, Eileen has booked Ivy a (NATIONAL!) commercial that I was unsure whether it was real and Megan was in it or that it was actually Ivy. Then Sam cleared that up. The commercial is just one more chain in the Eileen Tony winner plan. By the way, Ivy BETTER win! Then Ivy and Sam begin talking about the column about an unspecified wild Broadway blonde. Sam tries to assure her that no one knew who the column was about. Ivy fires back, slightly more on edge than usual, (hormones maybe?) that everyone commented that it was her. The girl can't seem to catch a break!
"Raise your hand if you're a pimp!" What's better for Ivy's image than a revue that stars Ivy as a depressed alcoholic stripper. This is Tom's grand idea for his concert. DEEP BREATH, IVY!
When Ivy questions her participation in the strip tease, Eileen comforts her, pointing out that what makes her special is that she doesn't care about what people think of her. This is another moment where Ivy is desperate for a motherly figure. Earlier in the season it was Julia, and now Eileen. *I have a feeling that they will be the women supporting her in the coming episodes more than Lee.
During the sensual song Grin and Bear It, Ivy holds the muffs in front of her midsection. Is this a foreshadow to the last 2 minutes of the episode? Just a thought. By the way, Ivy absolutely KILLS the whole concert, despite its borderline tacky outfits and choreography.
Karen and Ana are ranting to Derek at a bar when he storms out, nearly shoving Ivy. Ivy's phone rings when suddenly Ana pops over, in a flurry of anger and too much alcohol. She starts talking at Ivy, almost innocently, and Ivy's face changes to a defensive skepticism when Ana begins to mention Derek and how she got Marilyn the first time. Trying to keep cool, Ivy wipes Ana's implying comments aside. Sam begins to sense the trouble and warns her with a "Woah! Ana!" Ana explains nonchalantly how Karen would've gotten the part had she slept with Derek and Ivy is unable to contain her aggression. She marches over to Karen, against Sam's opinion of better judgement, and brings up their "promise"of the previous night. Ivy rants to Karen, coldly stating that she is just as calculating as anyone else. Karen denies this and scoots away cowardly.
Still heated, Ivy picks up her ringing phone, the dialogue so perfect I feel the need to type it all out.
Ivy: "Really?!? Three times in a row?!"
Caller(in a very cheery tone): "Ivy Lynn?"
Ivy(crossing her arms uncomfortably): "Yeah,"
Caller: "This is Dr. Lopez's office," (at this Ivy begins to get a look of concern on her face) "we got the results of your blood test back," (DEEEEEP BREATH) "and we wanted to reach you right away."
Ivy (trying to mask her alarm): "Is-is everything okay?"
Caller: "Congratulations!" (HUGE concern clouds Ivy's face) "You're pregnant!"
Ivy stands in pure shock and the screen cuts out.
OMG! Ivy has a LOT of growing up before she has a baby!!! Where the heck is NBC going with this storyline? Is it Derek's baby, or JFK's? Some new mystery man? Is she going to have the baby? Get an abortion? Give it up for adoption? Or lose the baby? Will she get far enough along this season to wear a pregnant belly? What does she look like with one on? Ivy can't drink or take pills anymore. I CALLED IT! I KNEW SHE"D BE THE ONE! I'm not sure how I feel about this bombe dropped on us....#awfulpun
*In the previews for the coming episodes, they show Ivy, Tom, and Julia sitting in front of the TV waiting for the Tony nominations. Two key things about this clip. Number 1: Ivy looks terrified, stressed, heartbroken and slightly sick. Number 2: Julia is being her mother. Julia is rubbing Ivy's back, to try to comfort Ivy, something a mother should do. At least she has Julia and Eileen to help her through the stressful award season. We all know Lee wouldn't be doing this!
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Joe's Pub, Most Beautiful, And MORE
Well, where we had a lack of Miss Megan Hilty on this week's episode of Smash, there was an abundance of excitement going on in her non-Smash life.
First up were her amazing performances of her new album It Happens All The Time at the intimate New York social hot spot, Joe's Pub. This is best summed up in video form. By the way, the male singing on the second clip is done by the fabulous Matt Cusson who has a new single on iTunes called Leaving LA.
First up were her amazing performances of her new album It Happens All The Time at the intimate New York social hot spot, Joe's Pub. This is best summed up in video form. By the way, the male singing on the second clip is done by the fabulous Matt Cusson who has a new single on iTunes called Leaving LA.
Above is the full performance of the title song.
And here's a link to a summary of all of the performances that I couldn't embed.
Next up was Megan's nod in the Most Beautiful Issue of People Magazine. Megan is featured in a long purple dress showing a LOOOONG leg. A fan asked if she actually plays the harp, and she actually doesn't. :( But she looks sooooo freaking gorgeous.
And last but not least, Megan is attending the White House Correspondents' Dinner tonight. Not much news on this yet, but she did look amazing. She is pictured below with Susan Page
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Smash Review: Opening Night-VOi
CURTAIN UP! It's Opening Night, ladies and gentlemen! The first moment is one of the truest I've seen on Smash. The curtain closes(or in this case screens) and everyone hugs. IN most of my shows, we start a silent dance party to the stage managers don't yell at us, but same difference.
Just after Ivy is telling her mother that she actually feels confident for opening night, the troublemaker Bobby comes along reading online reviews. But Ivy cuts him off, giving a sassy head bob, as Jessica rushes over explaining that she is on a "self-imposed media blackout." That is one heck of a pledge!
Later that night we see Ivy sitting in her bed some extremely sexy, showy lingerie reading online message boards, probably filled with the writings of jealous Broadway wannabes. So much for that media blackout. Right on cue, Derek appears, disadvising her from continuing her online discovery. And then let the flirting begin! Ivy says, "I know you, and I still like you," while crinkling her nose. They both share a giggle and he climbs onto her bed, trying his luck. But he is rejected, Ivy telling him, "Nice try," and his head lands on her lap. She is petting his head as they try to decide, whether to announce if they are together. They end in an awkward consensus to "play it by year."
We have seen a lot of interactions between Ivy and her mom, and this one was the closest to sweet that I think I've ever seen. Ivy wants her mom to tell her whether she will "make it" Lee tells her daughter "All it takes in this business is one role, and this is your role." Aw!
But may I just say, did anyone else notice that Ivy walked on stage literally as the curtain is going up? I've always been jealous of those people.
Now let's discuss Ivy's Don't Forget Me. It was flawless. How the heck does she belt those high notes? Even Karen was impressed. Like so impressed she nearly had an asthma attack. Yeah, it was pretty darn amazing.
Now I'm starting a new thing called YES IVY! moments. They are basically anytime during the hour I wanted to stand up and yell "Way to go, IVY LYNN!" Here is my first list of YES IVY!
-Derek tries to kiss Ivy but is rejected, AGAIN
-Julia's son asks, rather excitedly, "Is it true Ivy gets naked?"
-Ivy's rendition of Don't Forget Me is making Karen hyperventilate in the audience
-Ivy has Derek nearly in tears, not sure why, but it's definitely because of Ivy
-Without the house lights up, Ivy was able to see pick Tom out of that HUGE theatre, that takes skill
-She is singing That's Life with Karen and she is leaning over singing on Karen's mic, with one leg in the air, SHREDDING the notes
-Ivy's rejection forces Derek to use Daisy for his rebound, I mean, like HAH!
And the moment I have been waiting for all season has finally arrived. Another intimate moment between Karen and Ivy at a party in which both girls are vulnerable. Ivy is waiting for the times review and Karen is running from Jimmy. (I really hope my readers have seen Smash, if not, then you probably have no idea there are other characters with great story lines who I just happen not to love. It really is a rather dynamic show.) Ivy admits that she can't stop comparing herself to Karen, and Karen spills her jealousy. They are both giggling and getting along and pushing the other up. For as much as I dislike Karen, I do like when they come together and have these short, relatable, almost friendly moments.
The other most anticipated moment of the season came tonight as well. The Karen/Ivy duet! Cheers was phenomenal last season and That's Life was even better. Ivy was in her element belting the HELL out of the jazzy notes! She is SO comfortable up there, bouncing around the stage. She even hopped over to Karen's mic to sing while balancing on one leg and popping her shoulders up and down. The giggle and share a hug, giving us a glimpse into the Kat/Megan friendship.
Both ladies are now loosened up and relaxed, and sharing drinks when Ivy asks Karen if her and Derek have ever slept together. Ivy learns that she is Derek's rebound. Instead of getting worked up about it, she calmly dismisses Karen and gives Derek a puzzling look. Later, he asks if she wants to "slip into something more comfortable." (decipher that innuendo for yourself) She tells him she'll call him if she needs him again, but she's too "tired" to go home with him tonight. As soon as she turns around, her smirk breaks into a fully satisfied smile. GO IVY!
Tags: Savannah Wise Megan Hilty Bernadatte Peter Jeremy Jordan Jimmy Jessica Bobby Ivy Lee NBC Smash Jack Davenport Derek That's Life Opening Night Voice of Ivy Review VOi
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Smash: The Dress Rehearsal-VOi
Bombshell is heading into Previews! This time their star is our favorite Miss Ivy Lynn played by Megan Hilty.
The first scene of the show confirms last weeks teaser that Derek is indeed sleeping with Ivy again. We learned last week that a "fun night" was all Ivy wanted for her birthday. She got Liza, but why settle for Liza Minelli when you could have Derek Wills sleep with you? sometimes, Ivy, I wonder what goes through your head!
BUT WAIT! Don't be fooled! Ivy is back in control of her life and she doesn't want Derek to mess that up! When he goes in for a kiss, she slides out of his grasp, denying him! Score one for Ivy! ...Until she turns around and gives him a short peck, further pushing her flirty attitude with him. She is teasing him and he DOES NOT like it! Way to go girlie! When he asks, "11 again, tonight?" She pokes him saying, "Maybe! I'll call you!" and exits the room. Ivy's keeping her hand on top in this relationship!
And to the next scene! Bombshell is in its Dress front of all those family and friends Ivy complained about at the beginning of the episode! JFK is undressing Ivy to what is supposed to be her nightgown in the steamy one night stand number when we see a look of mortification cross Julia's face. Cut to a completely nude Ivy standing center stage, spotlights bright as ever.
Walking to the theatre for Day One of Cram-To-Fix-Every-Mistake-Before-Performance-tonight week, Jessica and Bobby shove their phones at Ivy, cooing, "Broadway World! Theatre Mania! 'Buy tickets tonight and find out if Marilyn is a NATURAL blonde.'" Ivy shoots down their predictions of permanent bareness, just as we are given a glimpse of Eileen saying, "i think she should be nude every night! I'll talk to her!"
Eileen is pulling the, "Nudity is authentic to who Marilyn was!" card, as Ivy replies, "Yes but I don't want it to overshadow the work I've been doing." But really if we're calling nudity authentic to Marilyn who has never been on a camera naked, then nudity is authentic to every person who has ever been born. Ivy decided she is going to think about it.
She doesn't decide until she is ON STAGE! JFK pulls both straps down her shoulder and she pulls the nightgown strap back up. As JFK is leaving, explaining that the night was a one time deal. Suddenly, Ivy drops the blanket around her bare body, exposing herself. She uses the nudity in a moment of power instead of vulnerability. This is a direct translation of her own life. She has shifted her life from bare vulnerability to control and shocking power.
The first scene of the show confirms last weeks teaser that Derek is indeed sleeping with Ivy again. We learned last week that a "fun night" was all Ivy wanted for her birthday. She got Liza, but why settle for Liza Minelli when you could have Derek Wills sleep with you? sometimes, Ivy, I wonder what goes through your head!
BUT WAIT! Don't be fooled! Ivy is back in control of her life and she doesn't want Derek to mess that up! When he goes in for a kiss, she slides out of his grasp, denying him! Score one for Ivy! ...Until she turns around and gives him a short peck, further pushing her flirty attitude with him. She is teasing him and he DOES NOT like it! Way to go girlie! When he asks, "11 again, tonight?" She pokes him saying, "Maybe! I'll call you!" and exits the room. Ivy's keeping her hand on top in this relationship!
And to the next scene! Bombshell is in its Dress front of all those family and friends Ivy complained about at the beginning of the episode! JFK is undressing Ivy to what is supposed to be her nightgown in the steamy one night stand number when we see a look of mortification cross Julia's face. Cut to a completely nude Ivy standing center stage, spotlights bright as ever.
Walking to the theatre for Day One of Cram-To-Fix-Every-Mistake-Before-Performance-tonight week, Jessica and Bobby shove their phones at Ivy, cooing, "Broadway World! Theatre Mania! 'Buy tickets tonight and find out if Marilyn is a NATURAL blonde.'" Ivy shoots down their predictions of permanent bareness, just as we are given a glimpse of Eileen saying, "i think she should be nude every night! I'll talk to her!"
Eileen is pulling the, "Nudity is authentic to who Marilyn was!" card, as Ivy replies, "Yes but I don't want it to overshadow the work I've been doing." But really if we're calling nudity authentic to Marilyn who has never been on a camera naked, then nudity is authentic to every person who has ever been born. Ivy decided she is going to think about it.
She doesn't decide until she is ON STAGE! JFK pulls both straps down her shoulder and she pulls the nightgown strap back up. As JFK is leaving, explaining that the night was a one time deal. Suddenly, Ivy drops the blanket around her bare body, exposing herself. She uses the nudity in a moment of power instead of vulnerability. This is a direct translation of her own life. She has shifted her life from bare vulnerability to control and shocking power.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Smash: The Fringe-VOi
I'm a few weeks behind and I'm skipping the Jennifer Hudson episode. Last week, Ivy realized how horrible Liasons was becoming now that Sean Hayes's egotistical character, Terrence Falls, wanted to turn the heart wrenching drama into a comedy.
We first see Ivy in an elevator with Karen both on their way to their own rehearsals. Can I say AWKWARD? Making small talk, Ivy tries to make her experience with Liaisons sound more savory than it is. She steps into a mass chaos of pink fluff and people crying. Terrence is explaining all of his changes in his ADHD, unfocused manner while Ivy follows him, a look of disgust stuck on her face. All of the ensemble and to her cast are being forced to act poorly, in order to puff the ego of Mr. Terry even more. Only one problem, Megan Hilty is an amazing actress and singer even when she's trying not to be. I mean, how can you dampen those vocals?
Derek is just waiting outside Ivy's rehearsal, urging her to not listen to her director and stop downplaying herself. He tells her to stand out in a crappy show. This is one of the rare times I've ever agreed with something Mr. Wills said, especially when its being said to Ivy. But, I have to admit, he is right, but why'd it take him for her to realize that?
And it's Press Day. Holy freaking disaster. Between Terry's awful acting, the bubblegum pink furniture, and the full cast crowded behind some bamboo dividers, it's no shock that the press are bored and appalled.
Press Day means Ivy's operatic number Letter From Cecile. Megan actually trained to become an opera singer. Until she went to opera camp at age twelve where she decided the life of opera wasn't for her. The high notes that she has the capacity to sing made for an amazing rendition of the classic song. She sang the song so well, in fact, that Terrry decided that the song needed to be pulled. That's logical, right?
And on to the allergy attack. I mean the stomach ache. No, the crying, sorry I didn't realize people could cry for a reason. Yea, Terry, I'd cry too if I were stuck in a show with you. Ivy told him how much he sucked, apparently the first honest thing he's heard in twenty years. I know this blog is about Megan Hilty, but may we just take a moment to admire the sheer geniusness that Sean Hayes is to pull off that scene opposite Megan. The man is good, they played off each other so perfectly and the sadness jumped back and forth with comedic quality to make for the best scene thus far in the season.
And here's the recording of Megan's brilliant Letter From Cecile.
We first see Ivy in an elevator with Karen both on their way to their own rehearsals. Can I say AWKWARD? Making small talk, Ivy tries to make her experience with Liaisons sound more savory than it is. She steps into a mass chaos of pink fluff and people crying. Terrence is explaining all of his changes in his ADHD, unfocused manner while Ivy follows him, a look of disgust stuck on her face. All of the ensemble and to her cast are being forced to act poorly, in order to puff the ego of Mr. Terry even more. Only one problem, Megan Hilty is an amazing actress and singer even when she's trying not to be. I mean, how can you dampen those vocals?
Derek is just waiting outside Ivy's rehearsal, urging her to not listen to her director and stop downplaying herself. He tells her to stand out in a crappy show. This is one of the rare times I've ever agreed with something Mr. Wills said, especially when its being said to Ivy. But, I have to admit, he is right, but why'd it take him for her to realize that?
And it's Press Day. Holy freaking disaster. Between Terry's awful acting, the bubblegum pink furniture, and the full cast crowded behind some bamboo dividers, it's no shock that the press are bored and appalled.
Press Day means Ivy's operatic number Letter From Cecile. Megan actually trained to become an opera singer. Until she went to opera camp at age twelve where she decided the life of opera wasn't for her. The high notes that she has the capacity to sing made for an amazing rendition of the classic song. She sang the song so well, in fact, that Terrry decided that the song needed to be pulled. That's logical, right?
And on to the allergy attack. I mean the stomach ache. No, the crying, sorry I didn't realize people could cry for a reason. Yea, Terry, I'd cry too if I were stuck in a show with you. Ivy told him how much he sucked, apparently the first honest thing he's heard in twenty years. I know this blog is about Megan Hilty, but may we just take a moment to admire the sheer geniusness that Sean Hayes is to pull off that scene opposite Megan. The man is good, they played off each other so perfectly and the sadness jumped back and forth with comedic quality to make for the best scene thus far in the season.
Friday, March 15, 2013
It Happens All The Time: Album Review
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been in a show and then I got sick! But enough about me, because It Happens All The Time was released this week!!! Megan Hilty has talked about delaying making an album because she simply had nothing important to say. She finally has a statement to make, and it's about Loooooove! (I intended for you to say Looove in your head with a Southern Belle Georgia Accent)
As many of her fans know, Megan broke off her six year relationship with actor Steve Kazee early last year. She was able to maintain a strong exterior in public, but six years is a LONG time to be with someone! It must have been devastating. She said she didn't intend for her album to become a collection of breakup anthems, but she related to those songs the most.
Now, we all know that Megan could belt the heck out of any song, shredding the likes of all that her ex did wrong with powerhouse delivery. But she did just the opposite. She sang softly, but with power and pain behind every note. The result? An accumulation of easy rock ballads that leave listeners begging for more.
The title song, It Happens All The Time, poses the question, "If people fall in love all the time, why am I still alone?" It is a bluesy pop song that is sung in a toned down Hilty belt. Is it the sound of someone who knows them self, but is in a lonely state. Someone who is justifying the actions of a breakup. Megan's voice takes a break from her typically smooth velvety sound and becomes almost raspy. Some parts are sung forcefully, some nearly in a whisper.
Be A Man, Megan's self proclaimed favorite, starts with drawn out phrases, almost like sighs. Then, it transitions into lines of questions and statements that take pauses, as if waiting for a response. Despite its staunch name, Be A Man is a ballad that helplessly prods the former lover to, "Don't try to dance around it, just be a man about it," leading us to wonder....was this an unfair feeling Megan has experienced?
Walk Away is Megan's most radio ready song, which is probably a result of Carrie Underwood and Ne-Yo being cowriter of it. It is a powerful women's solo about not putting up with the guilt and constant annoyances from the dumpee.
Next, Megan covers Taylor Swift's made-for-the-movies Hunger Games composition Safe and Sound. Instead of taking the lyrics such as "The war outside our door keeps raging on," in a literal way, as intended, Megan puts them in a romantic context. This added to her clear, forward delivery and sound of tears in her voice amplifies the well-written song to a level that was never reached by its original songstress.
Megan also covers the heartbreaking song, originally by Damien Rice, Blower's Daughter. Another ballad, however the theme isn't becoming tired as it should. Megan expresses the melody and lyrics in a straight forward way that respects the original, but adds another haunting level.
Suddenly, we are dropped into a repetitive pop song that hardly uses any of Megan's talent called Hopin'. It's a fine ditty, but does no justice to the wealth of talent who sings it. She gives it as much as the song allows. Needless to say, it's not my favorite.
After we conclude hearing 'Hopin' repeated what seems like trillions of times, we hear a single piano begin and Hilty's fresh voice begin to deliver Wise Up. It is a scolding song telling her lover who is on the edge how to make a decision about their seemingly one-sided relationship.
Just to show her class, Megan throws in a Don Henley cover of The Heart Of The Matter. She slows down the recognizable melody and dials back the manly power to turn it into a raw, regretful anthem of mistakes that are made when falling in and out of love.
Megan then moves onto to a cover of the Switchfoot song Dare You To Move. I've never heard the original, but Megan sings it with competence and dominance. The beat makes it a shoo-in for a Dance Party Remix to fist pump to on the dance floors of classy New York bars.
For a final cover, Hilty accesses the Elvis-style artist Bruno Mars as she takes on It Will Rain. She maintains the original beat and lyrics, but they way she sings it makes more sense than the original. By adding male vocals underneath parts of the chorus, she packs more emotion in the song than has ever been achieved on that song previously.
As many of her fans know, Megan broke off her six year relationship with actor Steve Kazee early last year. She was able to maintain a strong exterior in public, but six years is a LONG time to be with someone! It must have been devastating. She said she didn't intend for her album to become a collection of breakup anthems, but she related to those songs the most.
Now, we all know that Megan could belt the heck out of any song, shredding the likes of all that her ex did wrong with powerhouse delivery. But she did just the opposite. She sang softly, but with power and pain behind every note. The result? An accumulation of easy rock ballads that leave listeners begging for more.
The title song, It Happens All The Time, poses the question, "If people fall in love all the time, why am I still alone?" It is a bluesy pop song that is sung in a toned down Hilty belt. Is it the sound of someone who knows them self, but is in a lonely state. Someone who is justifying the actions of a breakup. Megan's voice takes a break from her typically smooth velvety sound and becomes almost raspy. Some parts are sung forcefully, some nearly in a whisper.
Be A Man, Megan's self proclaimed favorite, starts with drawn out phrases, almost like sighs. Then, it transitions into lines of questions and statements that take pauses, as if waiting for a response. Despite its staunch name, Be A Man is a ballad that helplessly prods the former lover to, "Don't try to dance around it, just be a man about it," leading us to wonder....was this an unfair feeling Megan has experienced?
Walk Away is Megan's most radio ready song, which is probably a result of Carrie Underwood and Ne-Yo being cowriter of it. It is a powerful women's solo about not putting up with the guilt and constant annoyances from the dumpee.
Next, Megan covers Taylor Swift's made-for-the-movies Hunger Games composition Safe and Sound. Instead of taking the lyrics such as "The war outside our door keeps raging on," in a literal way, as intended, Megan puts them in a romantic context. This added to her clear, forward delivery and sound of tears in her voice amplifies the well-written song to a level that was never reached by its original songstress.
Megan also covers the heartbreaking song, originally by Damien Rice, Blower's Daughter. Another ballad, however the theme isn't becoming tired as it should. Megan expresses the melody and lyrics in a straight forward way that respects the original, but adds another haunting level.
Suddenly, we are dropped into a repetitive pop song that hardly uses any of Megan's talent called Hopin'. It's a fine ditty, but does no justice to the wealth of talent who sings it. She gives it as much as the song allows. Needless to say, it's not my favorite.
After we conclude hearing 'Hopin' repeated what seems like trillions of times, we hear a single piano begin and Hilty's fresh voice begin to deliver Wise Up. It is a scolding song telling her lover who is on the edge how to make a decision about their seemingly one-sided relationship.
Just to show her class, Megan throws in a Don Henley cover of The Heart Of The Matter. She slows down the recognizable melody and dials back the manly power to turn it into a raw, regretful anthem of mistakes that are made when falling in and out of love.
Megan then moves onto to a cover of the Switchfoot song Dare You To Move. I've never heard the original, but Megan sings it with competence and dominance. The beat makes it a shoo-in for a Dance Party Remix to fist pump to on the dance floors of classy New York bars.
For a final cover, Hilty accesses the Elvis-style artist Bruno Mars as she takes on It Will Rain. She maintains the original beat and lyrics, but they way she sings it makes more sense than the original. By adding male vocals underneath parts of the chorus, she packs more emotion in the song than has ever been achieved on that song previously.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Smash: Dramaturg- VOi
Just a reminder this blog is about the NBC Golden Globe nominated TV drama Smash which stars Megan Hilty as Ivy Lynn. This blog is biasedly Team Ivy and contains spoilers! (It is a breakdown of the episode after all :))
We first see, or more precisely hear Ivy in an audition for a revival of a show called Liaisons. She is singing a not FAR above the staff, or in other words, a VERY VERY high note. The casting agent is clearly impressed by her audition for the ensemble. Taking a deep breath, as if to brace herself for whatever wrath may come from the question, she asks the casting agent if she can read for the part of Cecile. Cecile is an amazing part, wanted by every actress in New York City. He hints toward a no, but somehow Ivy convinces him. A huge grin immediately cracks across Ivy's face, and she assures him that she won't let him down. The way she says it, it is so easy to believe that she just might make it.
Next, Bombshell is seen back in rehearsals with Ivy clearly missing. Karen is preparing to sing I Just Keep Moving The Line, which Ivy so brilliantly sang last week. Suddenly, Karen's voice fades into Ivy's. Ivy is on Tom's TV singing Moving The Line. Ivy bounces in, swinging around his wall, seeming happier than ever. She smiles even bigger when she sees herself on his screen, then immediately tries to hide it. He points at the TV, "Look how good you are! At the workshop last winter!" She tries to play it off cool, but is so clearly flattered. "I wanted to be reminded of our initial instincts before jumping back in," he explains. Tom invites Ivy to watch with him, but she ignores this question, still grinning hugely. She tells him she talked herself into an audition for Liaisons. When he registers that she means for the role of Cecile, he stands up and gasps, as her pursed smile opens up in a laugh, showing all of her teeth. Then, the self doubt kicks in and her smile slowly fades as she starts listing off all of the big names they are auditioning for it. "And then I'm just.." she trails off, "Perfect for the part!" Tom exclaims excitedly. "I never thought someone would give me the chance after..." her head turns toward the screen where she is still singing in what must now seem like a distant dream.
Next, we see Derek giving Karen hell in rehearsal, Karen becoming a diva, rolling her eyes at him. Just as he's ordering to take it from the top, the door swings open and in walks Ivy. Derek asks invites her to stay and watch the number. She is shocked and reluctant, trying to tell him no, when he takes her bag, a gesture saying, It's probably best you stay. Her face has fallen, and her body is tense, arms crossed in defense as she watches Derek whisper into Karen's ear. She is remembering all of the times he whispered in her ear, back when she was Marilyn. We are transported, into a dream sequence. But not one like the Bollywood number from last season. Nope, this one is hauntingly beautiful. It is Ivy following Karen and Derek around a maze of statues while Ivy is quietly singing Robyn's Dancing On My Own. She is softly singing, almost a whisper, a very indulgent contrast to her typical Broadway belts. The song is vulnerable and her voice is raw, chilling, beautifully rising and falling. Her face is a well of emotion, pouring sadness, and hope, a memory of her fast, tumultuous, but strong love with Derek. She is now the outsider. With this realization, she apologizes for coming and heads out the door.
Ivy is then seen rehearsing her lines with Tom, him yawning repeatedly. He tries to say its not her fault, but she then sits down, dejected by her performance, still searching for who Cecile is. They start listing off character traits, unbroken, innocent, untouched, when Ivy throws a jab in, saying, "Sounds like Karen Cartwright." Then, he continues, saying that Cecile is easily corroded, but learns to manipulate men. At this, Ivy's face lights up, saying, "Oh my god, she's Marilyn." Tom counters with, "You know who else she is, YOU! She knows how to fight back." A smile and giggle leap from Ivy's mouth, "See, you're already feeling it."
After a scene of a newly written Bombshell scene, Ivy pops through her apartment doorway, her face showing off a smile bigger than any she's worn yet this entire season. "Tom, guess what? I got the part! I am Cecile!" Tom bends over with glee, as Ivy jovially lays down on her bed, suddenly relaxed, strong, and back to the same Ivy. She was beaten down, and was able to rise up again.
We first see, or more precisely hear Ivy in an audition for a revival of a show called Liaisons. She is singing a not FAR above the staff, or in other words, a VERY VERY high note. The casting agent is clearly impressed by her audition for the ensemble. Taking a deep breath, as if to brace herself for whatever wrath may come from the question, she asks the casting agent if she can read for the part of Cecile. Cecile is an amazing part, wanted by every actress in New York City. He hints toward a no, but somehow Ivy convinces him. A huge grin immediately cracks across Ivy's face, and she assures him that she won't let him down. The way she says it, it is so easy to believe that she just might make it.
Next, Bombshell is seen back in rehearsals with Ivy clearly missing. Karen is preparing to sing I Just Keep Moving The Line, which Ivy so brilliantly sang last week. Suddenly, Karen's voice fades into Ivy's. Ivy is on Tom's TV singing Moving The Line. Ivy bounces in, swinging around his wall, seeming happier than ever. She smiles even bigger when she sees herself on his screen, then immediately tries to hide it. He points at the TV, "Look how good you are! At the workshop last winter!" She tries to play it off cool, but is so clearly flattered. "I wanted to be reminded of our initial instincts before jumping back in," he explains. Tom invites Ivy to watch with him, but she ignores this question, still grinning hugely. She tells him she talked herself into an audition for Liaisons. When he registers that she means for the role of Cecile, he stands up and gasps, as her pursed smile opens up in a laugh, showing all of her teeth. Then, the self doubt kicks in and her smile slowly fades as she starts listing off all of the big names they are auditioning for it. "And then I'm just.." she trails off, "Perfect for the part!" Tom exclaims excitedly. "I never thought someone would give me the chance after..." her head turns toward the screen where she is still singing in what must now seem like a distant dream.
Next, we see Derek giving Karen hell in rehearsal, Karen becoming a diva, rolling her eyes at him. Just as he's ordering to take it from the top, the door swings open and in walks Ivy. Derek asks invites her to stay and watch the number. She is shocked and reluctant, trying to tell him no, when he takes her bag, a gesture saying, It's probably best you stay. Her face has fallen, and her body is tense, arms crossed in defense as she watches Derek whisper into Karen's ear. She is remembering all of the times he whispered in her ear, back when she was Marilyn. We are transported, into a dream sequence. But not one like the Bollywood number from last season. Nope, this one is hauntingly beautiful. It is Ivy following Karen and Derek around a maze of statues while Ivy is quietly singing Robyn's Dancing On My Own. She is softly singing, almost a whisper, a very indulgent contrast to her typical Broadway belts. The song is vulnerable and her voice is raw, chilling, beautifully rising and falling. Her face is a well of emotion, pouring sadness, and hope, a memory of her fast, tumultuous, but strong love with Derek. She is now the outsider. With this realization, she apologizes for coming and heads out the door.
Ivy is then seen rehearsing her lines with Tom, him yawning repeatedly. He tries to say its not her fault, but she then sits down, dejected by her performance, still searching for who Cecile is. They start listing off character traits, unbroken, innocent, untouched, when Ivy throws a jab in, saying, "Sounds like Karen Cartwright." Then, he continues, saying that Cecile is easily corroded, but learns to manipulate men. At this, Ivy's face lights up, saying, "Oh my god, she's Marilyn." Tom counters with, "You know who else she is, YOU! She knows how to fight back." A smile and giggle leap from Ivy's mouth, "See, you're already feeling it."
After a scene of a newly written Bombshell scene, Ivy pops through her apartment doorway, her face showing off a smile bigger than any she's worn yet this entire season. "Tom, guess what? I got the part! I am Cecile!" Tom bends over with glee, as Ivy jovially lays down on her bed, suddenly relaxed, strong, and back to the same Ivy. She was beaten down, and was able to rise up again.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Smash: The Fallout-VOi
Just a reminder this blog is about the Smash character Ivy, and focusses on only Ivy's storyline. So, now I present to you, Voice of Ivy review of The Fallout. The Fallout, refers to the broken state of Bombshell, but also runs parallel to Ivy's storyline. She is in the place in her career where she has been in the ensemble for ten years and doesn't know when enough is enough.
Ivy(Megan Hilty) and Sam(Leslie Odom Jr.) are in the midst of a conversation about Sam going on tour for The Book of Morman, when they run into an old friend. They duck into a shop window to avoid the blonde actress whom Ivy says has been plugging along even longer than she had, which is a very long time. Suddenly the blonde (played by Legally Blonde: the Musical actress, Annaleigh Ashford) recognizes the two of them and all suddenly becomes very fake and huggy. Ivy asks what she's been up to, hoping for something worse than what Ivy has at the moment. The blonde says, "Stationary!" and then goes on to explain how much better her life is now that she's finally out of the theatre business, oh, and she can't forget to show them her HUGE guest house! Ivy is at such a low place, she looks ready to quit on the spot.
Next, Julia (Debra Messing) is laying on the couch at Tom's house alone when the doorbell rings. "Julia? You there?" Ivy whimpers. Clearly dejected, Ivy explains she has come to vent to Tom, but Julia offers instead. At this point, I was hoping for a repeat of the first episode's Ivy/Julia moment. It was a similar situation, only this time both of them were down and vulnerable, and two women talking on equal levels, not Ivy asking someone above her for help. Julia is the mother that Ivy desperately needs in her life! Her mother, Lee Conroy (Bernadatte Peters), is already a star, who seemed to have instant success and is verbally abusive to Ivy. "Just when I'd want to throw the towel in, something would happen to remind me of why I fell in love with this business. And thus the dysfunctional cycle continues." They then proceed to both eat marshmallow fluff with a spoon, a sweet, seemingly unscripted moment that I'm sure never would've happened with Ivy's mom.
Derek is waaaaay down in the public eye, when he gets so drunk he asks a girl if she is a dancer, when her boyfriend shoves him to the ground. While on the ground, Derek sees a pair of neon pink heels walk by, and thus, an indulgent dream sequence begins with Derek hallucinating Ivy in a sexy, fitted black dress, then sees Karen in the same dress. Both are staring him down with anger. Suddenly more girls in the identical dresses appear, all grabbing his neck and chest, and getting close to his face in a steamy matter. Then they all put their hands on their hips and circle him, singing, "Would I lie to you, would I lie to you, honey?" Ivy and Karen grab him and lead him to a couch, Ivy showing off to him what he's missing since he's left her. All of the girls are have the same chestnut hair and skinny bodies, while Ivy sits on his lap, flinging around her blond ponytail, then shoving him into the wall. She then yells, "Now, I'm leaving YOOOUUUU!!" Tell him Ivy!
And my favorite part of the episode is when Ivy is walking down the street, talking to Sam on the phone, when she comes across a disheveled, drunk Derek sitting the steps of his building. He puts his hand out and she joins him on the steps. After two more scenes and a commercial break (I could barely stand the waiting), we are finally back to the Derek/Ivy scene. Derek slurredly tells Ivy about all of the lying dancers. At this point, I wanted Ivy to cockily tell Derek that he's drunk, just as Derek did to Ivy last season, but that unfortunately didn't happen. She shakes her head, as if to say, well, you are a bit of an arrogant, greedy, power-hungry man, with high levels of testosterone. Then, Derek proceeds to...wait for it....APOLOGIZE! Ivy still says nothing, but her face says she accepts it, but won't fall for him again. He tries to make himself seem nicer, changed, and she just replies, with "Why do you care what I think, all of a sudden?" He backpedals, telling Ivy she's his friend, and who cares about Karen, on and on. She just gives him a sideways look, and he rolls his eyes. Suddenly Ivy starts spilling to him, saying, "I was a lot of things, Derek, and now I don't even know who I am, or if I even want to be in this business anymore." He says she's got too much talent to give up, then Ivy throws the "I couldn't have been that good, I'm not Marilyn" card at him. "Prove me wrong! make me look stupid!" he tells her. There are tears streaming down Ivy's face and their faces get very close. Derek begins to lean in for a kiss, and Ivy just watches him, then SNAP, her head turns the other way and she matter-of-factly says, "Nope, not gonna happen." YES, YES, YES IVY!!! Finally, she gets it!
There is a scramble when Eileen, Tom, and Julia are thrown out of a Broadway big-wig party. They call for Karen, but when she doesn't pick up, they look to Ivy. Finally, something to pick her up. She races there, and as they thank her, says, "I'm just glad someone still wants to hear me sing!" She says it in an upbeat, excited tone, but the statement is so heartbreaking. She steps in front of the mic and belts out They Just Keep Moving the Line, a very emotional song about how you can work hard, and once you get your goal in your grasp, it is moved further away. This is SUCH an Ivy song!
And finally, Ivy shows up at Derek's house to talk to him, when she senses someone being in his room. As she backs away to the elevator, she hears Karen say, "What was that about?" "Oh, nothing important." Way to go Derek, build her up, then kick her down harder.
And a video of Ivy singing They Just Keep Moving The Line.
Ivy(Megan Hilty) and Sam(Leslie Odom Jr.) are in the midst of a conversation about Sam going on tour for The Book of Morman, when they run into an old friend. They duck into a shop window to avoid the blonde actress whom Ivy says has been plugging along even longer than she had, which is a very long time. Suddenly the blonde (played by Legally Blonde: the Musical actress, Annaleigh Ashford) recognizes the two of them and all suddenly becomes very fake and huggy. Ivy asks what she's been up to, hoping for something worse than what Ivy has at the moment. The blonde says, "Stationary!" and then goes on to explain how much better her life is now that she's finally out of the theatre business, oh, and she can't forget to show them her HUGE guest house! Ivy is at such a low place, she looks ready to quit on the spot.
Next, Julia (Debra Messing) is laying on the couch at Tom's house alone when the doorbell rings. "Julia? You there?" Ivy whimpers. Clearly dejected, Ivy explains she has come to vent to Tom, but Julia offers instead. At this point, I was hoping for a repeat of the first episode's Ivy/Julia moment. It was a similar situation, only this time both of them were down and vulnerable, and two women talking on equal levels, not Ivy asking someone above her for help. Julia is the mother that Ivy desperately needs in her life! Her mother, Lee Conroy (Bernadatte Peters), is already a star, who seemed to have instant success and is verbally abusive to Ivy. "Just when I'd want to throw the towel in, something would happen to remind me of why I fell in love with this business. And thus the dysfunctional cycle continues." They then proceed to both eat marshmallow fluff with a spoon, a sweet, seemingly unscripted moment that I'm sure never would've happened with Ivy's mom.
Derek is waaaaay down in the public eye, when he gets so drunk he asks a girl if she is a dancer, when her boyfriend shoves him to the ground. While on the ground, Derek sees a pair of neon pink heels walk by, and thus, an indulgent dream sequence begins with Derek hallucinating Ivy in a sexy, fitted black dress, then sees Karen in the same dress. Both are staring him down with anger. Suddenly more girls in the identical dresses appear, all grabbing his neck and chest, and getting close to his face in a steamy matter. Then they all put their hands on their hips and circle him, singing, "Would I lie to you, would I lie to you, honey?" Ivy and Karen grab him and lead him to a couch, Ivy showing off to him what he's missing since he's left her. All of the girls are have the same chestnut hair and skinny bodies, while Ivy sits on his lap, flinging around her blond ponytail, then shoving him into the wall. She then yells, "Now, I'm leaving YOOOUUUU!!" Tell him Ivy!
And my favorite part of the episode is when Ivy is walking down the street, talking to Sam on the phone, when she comes across a disheveled, drunk Derek sitting the steps of his building. He puts his hand out and she joins him on the steps. After two more scenes and a commercial break (I could barely stand the waiting), we are finally back to the Derek/Ivy scene. Derek slurredly tells Ivy about all of the lying dancers. At this point, I wanted Ivy to cockily tell Derek that he's drunk, just as Derek did to Ivy last season, but that unfortunately didn't happen. She shakes her head, as if to say, well, you are a bit of an arrogant, greedy, power-hungry man, with high levels of testosterone. Then, Derek proceeds to...wait for it....APOLOGIZE! Ivy still says nothing, but her face says she accepts it, but won't fall for him again. He tries to make himself seem nicer, changed, and she just replies, with "Why do you care what I think, all of a sudden?" He backpedals, telling Ivy she's his friend, and who cares about Karen, on and on. She just gives him a sideways look, and he rolls his eyes. Suddenly Ivy starts spilling to him, saying, "I was a lot of things, Derek, and now I don't even know who I am, or if I even want to be in this business anymore." He says she's got too much talent to give up, then Ivy throws the "I couldn't have been that good, I'm not Marilyn" card at him. "Prove me wrong! make me look stupid!" he tells her. There are tears streaming down Ivy's face and their faces get very close. Derek begins to lean in for a kiss, and Ivy just watches him, then SNAP, her head turns the other way and she matter-of-factly says, "Nope, not gonna happen." YES, YES, YES IVY!!! Finally, she gets it!
There is a scramble when Eileen, Tom, and Julia are thrown out of a Broadway big-wig party. They call for Karen, but when she doesn't pick up, they look to Ivy. Finally, something to pick her up. She races there, and as they thank her, says, "I'm just glad someone still wants to hear me sing!" She says it in an upbeat, excited tone, but the statement is so heartbreaking. She steps in front of the mic and belts out They Just Keep Moving the Line, a very emotional song about how you can work hard, and once you get your goal in your grasp, it is moved further away. This is SUCH an Ivy song!
And finally, Ivy shows up at Derek's house to talk to him, when she senses someone being in his room. As she backs away to the elevator, she hears Karen say, "What was that about?" "Oh, nothing important." Way to go Derek, build her up, then kick her down harder.
Monday, February 4, 2013
First Megan Hilty Single: No Cure!
As many of you know, Megan Hilty has an album coming out on March 9th called It Happens All The Time. (See previous post for more on the whole album) Today, Megan tweeted,
"I have a single!!! You can check it out on my brand spankin new website"
Upon further investigation, I found out the new single is called No Cure and is a duet. The sound is almost contemporary pop and has been called country by some fans. This could be the song co-written by Carrie Underwood. The beat is catchy and the singing soft. Very different from the Broadway belts we are used to hearing.
The story told by the lyrics seem to run parallel to that of Ivy Lynn, Megan's character on the NBC hit, Smash. "All of this medicine that I keep taking, it ain't workin', I keep hurtin'," says the song. Ivy Lynn tried to overdose last season on Smash, due to many things including her tumultuous relationship with on-and-off boyfriend Derek. And my favorite lyric, "I keep trying' to pull out of this spiral that I'm in," describes Ivy Lynn's journey heading into season two. She is drowning in relationship and career woes, trying to pick herself up.
But enough about Ivy, the song is about trying to use medicine to numb the pain of a very hard fall out of a relationship. The chorus repeats "What if there's no cure?" The song shows the helplessness that is felt when trying to distance yourself from someone you truly loved and thought you knew.
This song makes me excited for the entire album, but judge for yourself at Megan's new website Tell me what you think in the comments! And also follow us on Twitter @VoiceOfIvy
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Smash: On Broadway-VOi
The first hour of the two hour season premiere was released online yesterday. The two hour premiere will air on NBC on February 5th. Megan Hilty plays the role Ivy Lynn. Megan describes her as "deeply flawed." For a recap and breakdown of Season One of Smash, see the previous post. This blog being about Megan, I am going to just talk about Ivy's major plot moments. I am calling this series of posts the "Voice of Ivy" (VOi) as many sources portray her as a villain, although she really is not. Especially this season. Here it goes...
Last season ended with a cliff-hanger for Ivy. As Karen went onstage to close Bombshell as Marilyn, Ivy is seen with a handful of pills ready to gulp down. We never see her actually swallow the pills, nor are we positive why she has them, although the most common theory was suicide. During the opening song the first episode, On Broadway, Ivy is in her bathroom, clearing her shelves of the pills. This is the symbol of a new and improved Ivy who will remain in control and aware of herself and her emotions. That said, I still don't believe that Ivy is in any place personally to be in a relationship, whether with Derek or a great guy.
One of my favorite parts of this episode was the talk between Julia and Ivy. Karen has just exchanged a few less than savory words with Ivy about singing that night. Karen feels that Ivy is trying to take her spotlight. We all know that Julia has had an affair with Michael Swift last season. Her marriage with Frank has improved although we're not sure why. When Ivy asks what she can do to keep her spot in the ensemble, Julia tells her to apologize. We have seen Ivy apologize once last season and try to a few times this episode. But what for? Julia further explains, in a rather motherly fashion, that she apologized to Frank numerous times for cheating, but that was easy. The hard part, the part of an apology that means something is apologizing for why she cheated. Ivy needed to tell Karen why she slept with Dev. This moment was very eye-opening to Ivy as well as to Julia, who seems to feel for Ivy and is SHOCKINGLY able to relate to her struggle.
Then, it is Eileen's actual party. Derek has called Ivy, presumably to drop her contract. But Ivy doesn't know yet. All she knows is that Derek wants to talk to her, and being Ivy, she jumps at the chance. When she walks in, she sees Derek with one arm on Karen's back, and he is holding her cheek. Derek sees Ivy and jerks away from Karen, chasing after Ivy. When Ivy realizes that he is letting her go, she drops her head and walks away, making my heart break for her. Here is this man that she has trusted, and loved, maybe even still does, and he is pushing her out. he is leaving her jobless, boyfriendless, and he originally CALLED HER!!! He was probably going to do all of that over the phone, knowing him.
Still at the party, the news has just been announced that Bombshell is frozen, and Karen is in an out-of-the-way room freaking out. Ivy comes in, making Karen give out a sigh. Life sucks for both of them in this moment, and they are both vulnerable. This scene is my favorite. Ivy sits down, while Karen remains standing. This is almost symbolic, in that Ivy always seems to be lower than Karen, despite how hard she works. So here Ivy is, below Karen again, and she is at Karen's mercy. The fate of her future is in Karen's hands. The drama builds with Ivy's pure, sincere, honesty. Then she tells Karen probably one of the darkest, most personal things ever. She admits to almost killing herself on opening night. Looking back, she can see it was stupid, but in the moment she was in such despair, that she almost did. By this point, there were tears streaming down my face, as my heart just wrenched for Ivy! Poor girl, she is finally in a good place, when her world comes crashing down. She can never seem to get anything, but she always comes so close, then falls.
What are your thoughts on Ivy? Why is she so interesting? Do you like her? Respond in the comments.
And a bonus video of Megan singing Don't Dream It's Over on part one of episode one. Enjoy! :)
Friday, January 11, 2013
It Happens All The Time
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been in a show and then I got sick! But enough about me, because It Happens All The Time was released this week!!! Megan Hilty has talked about delaying making an album because she simply had nothing important to say. She finally has a statement to make, and it's about Loooooove! (I intended for you to say Looove with a Southern Belle Accent)
As many of her fans know, Megan broke off her six year relationship with actor Steve Kazee early last year. She was able to maintain a strong exterior in public, but six years is a LONG time to be with someone! It must have been devastating. She has said in interviews that she didn't intend for her album to become a collection of breakup anthems, but she related to those songs the most.
Now, we all know that Megan could belt the heck out of any song, shredding the likes of all that her ex did wrong with powerhouse delivery. But she did just the opposite. She sang softly, but with power and pain behind every note. The result? An accumulation of intimate easy rock ballads that leave listeners begging for more.
The title song, It Happens All The Time, poses the question, "If people fall in love all the time, why am I still alone?" It is a bluesy pop song that is sung in a toned down Hilty belt. Is it the sound of someone who knows them self, but is in a lonely state. Someone who is justifying the actions of a breakup. Megan's voice takes a break from her typically smooth velvety sound and becomes almost raspy. Some parts are sung forcefully, some nearly in a whisper.
Be A Man, Megan's self proclaimed favorite, starts with drawn out phrases, almost like sighs. Then, it transitions into lines of questions and statements that take pauses, as if waiting for a response. Despite its staunch name, Be A Man is a ballad that helplessly prods the former lover to, "Don't try to dance around it, just be a man about it," leading us to wonder....was this an unfair feeling Megan has experienced?
Walk Away is Megan's most radio ready song, which is probably a result of Carrie Underwood and Ne-Yo being cowriter of it. It is a powerful women's solo about not putting up with the guilt and constant annoyances from the dumpee.
Next, Megan covers Taylor Swift's made-for-the-movies Hunger Games composition Safe and Sound. Instead of taking the lyrics such as "The war outside our door keeps raging on," in a literal way, as intended, Megan puts them in a romantic context. This added to her clear, forward delivery and sound of tears in her voice amplifies the well-written song to a level that was never reached by its original songstress.
Megan also covers the heartbreaking song, originally by Damien Rice, Blower's Daughter. Another ballad, however the theme isn't becoming tired as it should. Megan expresses the melody and lyrics in a straight forward way that respects the original, but adds another haunting level.
Suddenly, we are dropped into a repetitive pop song that hardly uses any of Megan's talent called Hopin'. It's a fine ditty, but does no justice to the wealth of talent who sings it. She gives it as much as the song allows. Needless to say, it's not my favorite.
After we conclude hearing 'Hopin' repeated what seems like trillions of times, we hear a single piano begin and Hilty's fresh voice begin to deliver Wise Up. It is a scolding song telling her lover who is on the edge how to make a decision about their seemingly one-sided relationship.
Just to show her class, Megan throws in a Don Henley cover of The Heart Of The Matter. She slows down the recognizable melody and dials back the manly power to turn it into a raw, regretful anthem of mistakes that are made when falling in and out of love.
Megan then moves onto to a cover of the Switchfoot song Dare You To Move. I've never heard the original, but Megan sings it with competence and dominance. The beat makes it a shoo-in for a Dance Party Remix to fist pump to on the dance floors of classy New York bars.
For a final cover, Hilty accesses the Elvis-style artist Bruno Mars as she takes on It Will Rain. She maintains the original beat and lyrics, but they way she sings it makes more sense than the original. By adding male vocals underneath parts of the chorus, she packs more emotion in the song than has ever been achieved on that song previously.
New details have been released about Megan Hilty's first solo album titled It Happens All The Time. A break-up theme and renowned song writers in the mix? "Stylistically these aren't the type of songs that I'm used to singing."
Be A Man
No Cure
Walk Away
Safe And Sound
Blower's Daughter
Wise Up

It Will Rain
The Heart Of The Matter
For this album, Megan has stepped out of her past recording history of Broadway and the occasional pop hit cover. Although some of the songs above are recognizable pop songs, Megan has assuredly rearranged and made them her own. The majority of the songs are originals written by the likes of Ne-Yo, Carrie Underwood, Glenn Ballard, and Wayne Hector (best known for writing One Direction songs).
"I want to show a different side of me because it's the first thing I've ever done that's just me and not attached to any character or story line."
The album takes on the unintended shape of a break-up album. The past year has been a year of falling in, and out, of love for Hilty. Megan split from boyfriend Steve Kazee, this year, and is now in a serious relationship with Broadway performer Brian Gallagher. Megan says she chose the songs based on lyrics she could connect with. As for the title,"It Happens All The Time is about the frustration of trying to find true love. If it happens all the time then why hasn't it happened to me?"
Based on the strong cover art and intriguing song list, March 12th can't come fast enough! What song are you most looking forward to hearing Megan Hilty sing? Comment below. My picks are No Cure and Be A Man.
For more from the interviews the above quotes came from, go to
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